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MEPC 76-9-9 - Comments on the outcome of PPR 8

MEPC 76-9-9 – Comments on the outcome of PPR 8

This document comments on the outcome of PPR 8 on Black Carbon (BC) and on two options to reduce ship BC emissions other than an immediate switch to distillates in the Arctic – through universal marine engine standards and limiting the aromatic content in marine fuels – and identifies some possible challenges that will need to be addressed

MEPC 76-9-8 - Comments on documents MEPC 7691 and MEPC 7692

Comments on documents MEPC 76/9/1 and MEPC 76/9/2

This document provides comments on documents MEPC 76/9/1 (ICES) and MEPC 76/9/2 (Austria et al.) and, based on the information contained in these and other documents, proposes an amendment to the title and scope of the proposed output on the evaluation and harmonization of rules and guidance on the discharge of discharge waters from EGCS into the marine environment.